God has been speaking about “Upper Room” for about 1-2 months.
On 21 March 2023, I was taking a break from working on laptop and started worshipping in my home office when the Lord started ministering and giving instructions and teachings about “Upper room” and the new ministry.
I scribbled down on my wall whiteboard and spent the next three months discerning, digesting and pondering over them.
Scribbling of instructions and teachings of "upper room"
Tidied up scribble of instructions and teachings of "upper room"
I was googling for “upper room” and saw quite a few domains are already existing when the Lord pointed me to name it with Bahasa Indonesian. I asked my colleague what’s the most accurate translation of “upper room” and was advised it’s ruang atas. Indeed ruangatas.id is available and that’s how this ministry was named.
Before the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, Jesus ministry was everything that He did.
After ascension and pentecost, the Holy Spirit was given. Today, the works of Jesus Christ is the works of the Holy Spirit through His church, His people – Man.
What I’m learning from God is that His heart for the land and people of Indonesia is Jesus ministry for the land and people but the works are by the Holy Spirit.
So what we need to do is to agape love Jesus Christ. Out of our love for Jesus Christ, we pray, praise and worship; offering our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God.
Most importantly, Holy Scripture is the foundation of everything for Jesus is the Word made flesh.
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